Watering Deciduous Bonsai Trees

Hey there, fellow bonsai enthusiasts! Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that holds a special place in every bonsai gardener’s heart — Watering Deciduous Bonsai Trees. As someone who resides in the scorching hot Central Valley, where temperatures can skyrocket up to a blistering 100-110 degrees C during the peak of summer, I’ve gained valuable insights and experiences in watering deciduous bonsai trees. So, let’s embark on this journey together as we uncover the secrets to keeping our bonsai well-hydrated and thriving.

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Sweet Gum (Liquidambar) chillin in the sun

Watering deciduous bonsai may seem straightforward at first—when the top layer of soil appears dry, it’s time to water. Easy-peasy, right? Well, hold on tight! There’s much more to learn. Today, I’ll take you through three different watering scenarios, each involving different soil mediums. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how to discern dryness and adjust your watering routine accordingly.

Scenario 1: The Potting Mix Soil Experience: 

Our first scenario takes us to bonsai trees planted in potting mix soil. 

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Dry Potting Mix Soil

Take a look! When the soil is dry, it appears lighter in color and feels crumbly to the touch. If you see this its time to water.

Scenario 2: Exploring Akadama and Pumice:

Next up, let’s explore bonsai trees potted in a mixture of akadama and pumice.

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Dry Akadama and Pumice Mix

Similar to the previous scenario, dry soil in this medium takes on a lighter hue and loses its moisture. But once you water it, the soil should regain its darker color, signaling that it’s received the hydration it needs.

Scenario 3: Adding Moss to the Mix:

In our final scenario, we introduce a twist—a combination of akadama, pumice, and a charming layer of moss.

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What if there's a moss on the soil?

For a beginner the best way to approach this is just lifting the moss to peak what he color of the Akadama or Soil look like. Once you gain experience and improve your watering observation, you can easily know by just looking at the moss. 

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Its dry time to water

You see above are samples that I water, below is a sample that I skip and check later on the day.

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Not ready for water yet.

Now, let’s address a common question—what happens when we forget to water or miss the optimal timing? 

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Here’s a real-life example of a bonsai I unintentionally neglected to water on time. Oops! It serves as a reminder that even the most dedicated bonsai enthusiasts slip up occasionally. We’re only human, after all!

Congratulations! You’ve journeyed with me through the fascinating world of bonsai tree watering. It’s worth noting that the watering approach I’ve mentioned serves as a general starting point for most species. However, remember that watering techniques can vary depending on factors such as the specific species, weather conditions, sun exposure (shade), and more. So, while the information above provides a solid foundation, make sure to adapt your watering routine to suit your bonsai’s unique needs.

Until our next bonsai adventure, happy watering!

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Don't forget to wear this

Don’t forget an essential tip: Always remember to wear sun protection, such as a hat and long sleeves, when watering during hot weather. Take care of yourself by staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water. Until next time, stay safe and happy gardening!

Watering Conifer Bonsai Trees
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