General Information
Purchase Date – March 2021
Original Owner – Vicky at House of Bonsai
Estimated Age – 10+ yrs (my estimate)
March 2021
I acquired this tree from Vicky at the House of Bonsai in 2021. At the time, I was relatively new to the hobby, lacking the experience to differentiate between a quality tree and one that might be less promising. Driven by its visual allure, I decided to bring it home as I embarked on my journey to master the art of Black Pine cultivation. It was evident from the outset that the foliage bore an abnormal coloration. Subsequent discussions with bonsai experts confirmed my observations; the tree was afflicted with Needle Cast and required immediate attention. Additionally, it was clear that a repotting was necessary to nurture its growth and overall health.

July 2021
I undertook the task of repotting the tree and diligently applied Daconil every fortnight throughout the entirety of March. The visible impact of this dual approach was undeniable; both the repotting process and the consistent application of fungicide played a pivotal role in revitalizing the tree’s vigor.

July 2022
I exercised patience and refrained from any intervention on the tree until the following year, allowing it ample time to recuperate. In the subsequent phase, I embarked on a process of decandling, putting my skills to the test as I delved into the intricate art of styling and wiring the tree.